MAKE Roanoke

A non-profit community Makerspace in Roanoke, VA.

Welcome to MAKE Roanoke. We are a non-profit makerspace in Roanoke, VA featuring a wood shop, metal shop, fiber arts studio, 3D printing, laser cutting, and electronics lab. We are a community-based organization run entirely by volunteers.

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Posts - Page 3 of 4

May Virtual Meeting

Please join us on May 13th at 6:00 pm for a Virtual Community Meeting from the comfort of your own home! We plan to have the virtual meetings occur on the second Monday of each month. We’ll be hosting these on Google Meet, which does not require a sign in:

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2024 Daisy Art Parade

Dear Roanoke Maker Community, we welcome you to a day of art and creativity on April 13th! Daisy Art Parade will be happening right in Downtown Roanoke. MAKERoanoke is planning on being there and so should you! A street parade will start at 12 o’clock sharp and will walk proceed from Norfolk Ave (near Taubman Museum of Art) to Elmwood Park. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please do reach out to us by email or join our Discord! Whether as part of the audience or as part of our Krewe, it would be lovely seeing you there.

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2024 Maker Faire Lynchburg

Calling all makers, tinkerers, and innovators! We’re thrilled to announce that MAKE Roanoke will be setting up shop at the Lynchburg Maker Faire on March 24th! This electrifying event celebrates the spirit of creativity and invention, and we can’t wait to share our passion for making with the vibrant Lynchburg community.

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