Board Election Announcement

The planning committee has decided it is time to take an important step and elect our first ever MAKE Roanoke board of directors.

As such we will be opening up membership in the organization starting with our 4/25 community meeting (more info for location and time to come).

To become a voting member of MAKE Roanoke we ask for $10/month in dues. Voting members must be at least 18 years of age.

What does this get me?

As a member, you are entitled to vote in board elections and any major decisions brought by the board or members (such as bylaws amendments).

Will my membership fee go up once the space is open?

Yes. This is a temporary lower price before we open the space to establish our membership. The board will select an appropriate price for membership once more details are available about the space.

What does this get MAKE Roanoke?

The small income we receive from memberships at this time will allow us to pay our bills. Right now, our expenses are quite low (library room rental fees, website hosting, etc) but will start to increase rapidly as we expand into class offerings, more community events, and eventually our full makerspace. A growing membership will help us convince potential landlords, corporate partners, and government officials for assistance in funding and contracts in order to open our space.

Who is running for the board?

Nominations are ongoing and a formal announcement of candidates along with bios will be sent out in 1 week.

What other votes are upcoming?

The governance committee is working on a few amendments to our current bylaws. We plan to bring these to a membership vote at the May community meeting.

What if I don’t want to pay $10/month now, but want to become a member once the space is opened?

You are still welcome at any and all events that MAKE Roanoke has to offer. At this point in time, membership is completely optional.

Can I run for the board?

Any member in good standing is eligible to run for the board. If you would like more details about the responsibilities involved in the position or intend to run for a seat, please reach out to

What is the structure of the board?

Board terms last for 2 years (1/2 of the first board will serve on 1 year terms in order to have offsetting terms). The board will have 4 officers (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Clerk). Who holds those positions is determined by the board. Other people serving on the board have equal voting rights as board officers.

How can I pay for my membership?

We’ve got people hard at work figuring out the best system for payment that is both convenient and cost effective. Please be patient and look for an announcement on this.